er-em On Air #22

Hard’n’Heavy aus der Region

  1. Mass – We are Back (Still Chained)
  2. Burden Of Life – Anthem of the Unbeloved (The Makeshift Conquerer)
  3. GumoManiacs – Legions of Death (Morbid Tales Of Terror)
  4. Atlantean Kodex – People of the moon – Dawn of Creation (The Course of Empire)
  5. Antipeewee – Rise of Cthulhu (Madness Unleashed)
  6. Ingrimm – Sturm und Drang (Auf Gedeih und Verderb)
  7. Wanted Inc. – Fuel to the Fire (Embarrassement to the Establishment)
  8. Teeth of Lamb – One Way Trip to Hell (One way trip to hell)
  9. Reaper’s Revenge – Dawn of a New Day (Wall of fear and darkness)
  10. God’s Away on Business – Burried Alive (Mortallity)
  11. Ammyt – Mask in the mirror (New Perspectives)
  12. Password Monkey – Demons (Masquerade)

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