Der klingende Wolpertinger #31

  1. Heinrich Riethmüller – Dalli Dalli Titelmusik
  2. Oliver Malcolm – Skywalker
  3. David Ruffin – I want you back
  4. Rainald Grebe – Der Calvinismus
  5. Eels – Fresh Feeling
  6. Blood on the Saddle – Ring of Fire
  7. Arik Bauer – Sie hab’n a Haus ‚baut
  8. Icarus Himself – Digging Holes
  9. Nathaniel Ratcliff – Digging Holes
  10. 23 Skidoo – F.U.G.I.
  11. Dojo Cuts – Rome
  12. Public Service Broadcasting – Go to the Road
  13. Trio Elf – Addicted

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