
Today is a Deutschstunde-Sandwich filled with Fett. Albert has made two hours of Deutschstunde today. Two hours of stuff about Angst. Part one starts the broadcast and then the Blutgrätsche along with special guest Mane do their hour. Alex Hellcat will then DO THIS and after THIS HAS BEEN DONE, the second hour of Deutschstunde will commence. Sounds scary.


Tonight we’re gonna do what we wanna do. Come do it with us. Und!!! Yesterday’s Thunder thunders again at 11 this morning.


Thunder is as thunder does. NieblAIR has her 20th show today and she’s not even in it. Father NieblAIR has taken the controls to rock it like they used to back in the day. Metal Illness is live at Spook Central again and we are going to test the Adam-O-Meter out. We’ll explain on air. Shake will shake and PAL will virtually inject. In dem Fall gibt’s schon Impfplicht. And you will be here. Those are the rules.


Brini’s back with her third edition of Something in the 80’s. That’s good.Brini is good. The rest of the day is almost standard. Except for 21:00. We don’t know what that is yet. A show is missing. We’ll fgure it out.


Actung!! Die angegebenen Zeiten sind hier falsch. The Local Scene fängt um 20 Uhr an und Er-Em um 22 Uhr.
Paul und Norbert start us off with a pair of interviews. The Local scene will take a look at regensburg’s Music Competitions and er-em On Air goes all psychedlic. Sounds good to us.
Heim süß Heim interviews mit:
Jens Neundorff von Enzberg, Intendant des Theaters Regensburg
Susanne Gleich, Pächterin des Regensburger TraditionswIrtshauses ‘Eisbuckel’


Get up. Go to work. Listen to yesterday’s show’s at work. Quit your job. Go home. Listen to today’s new shows. Sleep in tomorrow. Vernunft.


We have a quick little Sundays for y’all. Yesterday’s shows rerun at 11. The new stuff starts at 7PM. There is no Regensburg Analog this week due to divine intervention. But it will return next week God willing.


Tonight will be cool. Mane kicks things off with a Mane/Blutgrätsche production. Tobi will then take us to school on the subject of the wonderful world of concept albums. Jurass SIXX willl keep things all intellectual and stuff with a show about music and books I think. The playlist has book references in it. And Late Night Lounge turns 25 tonight. So pay attention!